Fablab Venezia for Kuwait Pavilion @ Biennale di Architettura di Venezia 2016
Il team di Fablab Venezia è stato impegnato nella fabbricazione dei modelli che compongono l’allestimento. Le diverse isole sono state realizzate in “foam“, materiale fresabile specifico per modelleria; attraverso l’utilizzo di più frese CNC di diverse dimensioni siamo riusciti a produrre i modelli richiesti, previa ingegnerizzazione dei file di modellazione e sviluppo dei codici specifici per la fresatura.
Sulle isole sono stati riprodotti edifici in stampa 3D con tecnologia FFF, successivamente il tutto è stato verniciato di color bianco opaco tramite ciclo ignifugo.
Dicono i curatori Hamed Bukhamseen e Ali Karimi: “Tensions between regional countries have led to the investigation and the possibility that the Gulf islands hold an alternative to the current national framework. BEWAG takes these islands as possible points in a larger plan for the region. This year’s Kuwaiti participation at the 15th International Architecture Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia documents these islands and their histories, looking to understand the landscape that forms the Gulf, allowing the history of exchange and maritime fluidity to occur. It asks how the Gulf as a political and economic space can be re-planned through its islands, and reimagined as a space of exchange rather than division. The result is a master plan of islands – literally and conceptually.“
Zahra Ali Baba – National Council for Culture Arts and Letters/ Kuwait(NCCAL)
Hamed Bukhamseen,Ali Karimi
Art Director / Graphic Designer
Fahad AlHunaif
Publication Coordinator / Editor
Muneerah Alrabe
Project Designers & Research Architects
Saphiya Abu Almaati, Shahab Albahar, Mai Albusairi, Nada Alqallaf, Rawan Alsaffar, Yousef Awaad Hussein
Financial Team
Mohammed Al Ajmi, Mohammed Al Jameel
Administrative Team
Abdullah Albeeshi (Head of team), Noora Al Musallam, Jaber Al Qallaf, Jassim Al Shamali
With exhibited design contributions from AGi Architects, Behemoth Press with Matteo Mannini Architects, Design Earth, ESAS Architects, Fortune Penniman with Studio Bound, PAD10, and X-Architects. With written contributions by Fahad Bishara, Ahmed Makia, Fatma Sahlawi & Rashid bin Shabib, Rand Abduljabbar & Maitha Mezroui, Nesrin Tabatabai & Babak Afrassiabi, Noor Boushehri, Abdulatif Al-Mishari.